Welcome to Anne
Stevenson's Website
Winner of the Lannan Award for a Lifetime's Achievement in Poetry, 2007
Welcome to Anne
Stevenson's Website
Winner of the Lannan Award for a Lifetime's Achievement in Poetry, 2007
Anne Stevenson (1933-2020) An Anglo-American poet who has lived most of her adult life in Great Britain. She is the author of over a dozen volumes of poetry, of some books of essays and literary criticism, of a biography of the American poet Sylvia Plath, Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath (1989), and of two critical studies of Elizabeth Bishop. Many of her books are published by in the UK by Bloodaxe Books. In 2007 Anne was awarded the Lannan Lifetime Achievement Award for Poetry by the Lannan Foundation of Santa Fe, in recognition of her significant contribution to English-language literature. A note by Anne Stevenson on the Bloodaxe Lectures, 2016 Obituary by Jay Parini in the Guardian (2020) Here |
Collected Poems Published 2023 Anne Stevenson (1933-2020) was a major American and British poet. Born in Cambridge of American parents, she grew up in the States but lived in Britain for most of her adult life. Rooted in close observation of the world and acute psychological insight, her poems continually question how we see and think about the world. They are incisive as well as entertaining, marrying critical rigour with personal feeling, and a sharp wit with an original brand of serious humour. Her posthumously published Collected Poems is a remaking of Anne Stevenson’s earlier Poems 1955-2005 (Bloodaxe Books, 2005), expanded to include poems from her final three books, Stone Milk (2007), Astonishment (2012) and Completing the Circle(2020), drawing on sixteen collections which are presented in their original order of publication.. Go to Bloodaxe books to get this book >> 2017 In this innovative series of public lectures at Newcastle University, leading contemporary poets speak about the craft and practice of poetry to audiences drawn from both the city and the university. The lectures are then published in book form by Bloodaxe, giving readers everywhere the opportunity to learn what the poets themselves think about their own subject. Publication Date : 23 Mar 2017 Click Here For More Information... Books, 2016 Hardback: 40 pages